720.284.2652 jen427@comcast.net

Grief and Loss Trainer, Educator and Conference Presenter

I spend much of my time helping to educate and train professionals and lay people on aspects of grief and loss.grief and loss conference

I have presented at national conferences for the Association for Death Education and Counseling, the Selected Independent Funeral Homes and the National Funeral Directors Association, as well as State-wide conferences for the Colorado Hospice Organization.

In 2014, I  was honored  to be the key note speaker for a 3 day conference, “When Our Children Die”,  in Jackson TN organized by Ayers Children’s Medical Center and other local organizations in response to all of the child deaths the community had experienced.  In addition to being the keynote speaker, I conducted a number of workshops for professional caregivers, educators and first responders.

I have led education programs locally for a wide variety of organizations, including:

Hospice and Hospitals, including:  Faith Communities including:
 The Denver Hospice  St Andrew’s Episcopal Church
 VNA Hospice  St Jude Catholic Church
 Porter Hospice (volunteers and social workers)  Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
 University of Colorado Hospital social workers and ethics committee  Risen Christ Catholic Church
 Presbyterian/St Luke’s decedent affairs department  Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
 Denver Health Medical Center students, ethics committee and social workers
 Centura St Anthony Central, Community Education Program  Education Institutions, including
 North Suburban Medical Center CPE Students  University of Colorado, Graduate Sociology
 Vistacare Hospice  Regis University, Social Work
 Namaste Comfort Care  Arapahoe Community College
 Rocky Mountain Cancer Care  Overland High School
 Lutheran Hospice
Denver Police Department Adams County Victim Advocates
Arapahoe County Victim Advocates Parker Police Department


Topics include:

“When Someone Dies”
“Coping with Holidays and Other Special Days”
“Growing Through Grief and Loss”
“The Importance of Ritual in the Process of Grief”
“Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care”
“Leading Grief Support Groups”
“Be Quiet and Wear Beige – attending the funeral of your ex spouse and father of your children”

My approach

When asked to speak at a conference or for an organization, it is important that I understand the needs of the organization and the learning objectives they are trying to fulfill.  I work closely with the convener to plan how I can be the most benefit to the participants.